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What You Need to Know About “Service” Animals

By:  Angela Rossi, Esq. So you want to take your “emotional support” peacock on the plane with you when you fly. Can you? What is a “service” animal, anyway? According to the Americans with Disabilities Act , ” service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do…
Jaimee K. Wellerstein

California Employers: Don’t Get Burned This Summer!

By: Jaimee K. Wellerstein, Esq. July Means Numerous Increases To Local Minimum Wage Ordinances! The California state minimum wage will remain intact at $10.50 an hour for employers with 26 or more employees until 2018. However, there are many local minimum wage ordinances that will increase on July 1, 2017,…
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Spring Into Action to Avoid Dangerous Reptiles

Spring is the time of year when we start hearing warnings about reptiles, particularly the  Western Rattlesnake, the most common venomous snake in California.  A somewhat different danger to defendants in lawsuits is the expanding use by plaintiffs’ attorneys of the “Reptile Theory,” a tactical strategy which uses psychology to…

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