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The Canyons

Visiting Our National Parks Comes With Wonder And Caution

By Darren P. Salute, Esq. September 4, 2023, is Labor Day, which traditionally signals the end of summer. That means it is most likely the last time thousands of families will have a chance to vacation together this year. Many will travel to their destinations by air. Most will travel…
PAGA image

Deviating from SCOTUS, California Supreme Court Has the Last Word on PAGA

By Jaimee K. Wellerstein, Esq. On July 17, 2023, the California Supreme Court issued its long-awaited ruling in Adolph v. Uber Technologies, Inc. (Supreme Court Case No. S274671), holding that a Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) plaintiff retains standing to litigate representative PAGA claims in court after the plaintiff's individual…
Summer heat can provide legal challenges for California employers. Here's how to beat the heat.

Hot Topic: Heat-Related Law for Employers

By Lily Nhan, Esq. This past July 4th was Earth’s hottest day on record since 1979, reaching the global average temperature of 62.92 degrees Fahrenheit. Currently, European countries like Spain, Greece, and Italy are being gripped by a deadly heatwave named ‘Cerberus.’ The heatwave’s namesake is the three-headed dog guarding…

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