Practices | Premises Liability
The premises liability attorneys at Bradley, Gmelich & Wellerstein LLP draw on years of experience to aggressively defend premises liability matters with thoughtful and innovative methods. Although we have handled our fair share of classic premises liability cases, such as slip-and-falls or trip-and-falls, we also handle less common cases, such as construction site accidents and third-party criminal attacks.
Our premises liability attorneys have been successful in exposing fraudulent and inappropriate claims, as well as demonstrating that the alleged dangerous condition or inadequate security did not exist. Our success with premises liability cases is largely due to the wealth of litigation experience our attorneys possess and apply to any given case.
- Construction site accidents
- Explosions
- Falling equipment
- Inadequate parking site security
- Negligent security
- Poor maintenance
- Slip / trip and fall
- Third-party criminal attacks
- Landlord’s use of force
- Dangerous conditions of property
- Tender of defense and indemnity defense
Our California clients are commercial property owners, property managers, private security companies, contractors, retail stores, parking garage operators, maintenance companies, health fitness club owners and municipalities. Our experience in this area extends from basic negligence issues to complex disputes involving intentional torts, vicarious liability, course and scope of employment, and ownership and control over the premises involved.
Sound advice helps prevent premises liability litigation
At Bradley, Gmelich & Wellerstein LLP, we pride ourselves on being proactive. We employ preventive measures with our clients to help them avoid premises liability litigation altogether. Our business law attorneys review client operations, with a focus on policies, procedures and best practices. Our many years of experience tell us that preventing a lawsuit is far less expensive than litigating one. However, when our clients face actions, claims, and/or a lawsuit alleging negligence, our attorneys have the trial experience and are ready and able to defend against allegations of premises liability.
Talented appellate lawyers support our success
Our litigators benefit from the advice of our appellate lawyers, who often work in partnership with our trial attorneys when it appears that a matter might proceed on appeal. Our appellate lawyers have a strong background in general civil litigation. Consequently, they are able to help draft motions for summary judgment, demurrer and motions for judgment on the pleadings with an eye on the appellate ramifications—before the matter is even heard by the trial court. The depth and range of our experience increases efficiency in our pretrial and trial work. Our attorneys are always available to assist our trial counsel, whether before, during or after trial. If an appeal becomes necessary, our Law & Motion attorneys provide clients with skilled representation and appellate advocacy. Our success on appeal has won our firm an enviable reputation.