Practices | Professional Liability
The attorneys at Bradley, Gmelich & Wellerstein LLP have extensive experience defending medical, legal and other professionals in malpractice claims. Our team has particularly deep experience in the healthcare industry, defending malpractice and other claims against physicians, hospitals, healthcare systems, skilled nursing facilities, home health care, detox centers and emergency medical transport providers. We also defend accountants, attorneys, architects and engineers and other professionals.
Professional liability litigation can be very difficult for defendants. In addition to potential damages arising from the litigation, professionals and professional companies face potential to their reputation as well as challenges to their licensure.
Our professional liability team defends matters before federal and state courts, arbitration panels and regulatory boards. If consulted early on, our team can advise clients on how best to avoid litigation. If a case is filed, however, our professional liability lawyers work swiftly to understand the facts of the case and mount a vigorous defense, allowing professionals and professional companies to maintain operations with limited disruption.